Yesterday, the California Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in Iskanian v. CLS Transp. Los Angeles, LLC, upholding class action waivers in employment arbitration agreements. This means that the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2011 opinion in AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion is to be given full force and effect in the employment setting in California. That said, however, Iskanian distinguishes the right of an employee
California Court Criticizes Prior Case Law Invalidating Class Action Waivers, Then Punts To State Supreme Court
Truly Nolen of America v. Superior Court, 2012 WL 3222211 (Aug. 13, 2012)
California law involving classwide wage-and-hour arbitration continues to evolve in the aftermath of the United States Supreme Court’s landmark decision in AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, 131 S. Ct. 1740 (2011), which generally prohibits states from requiring additional due process guarantees (not required under the Federal Arbitration Act) for enforcing arbitration agreements. (See our prior blog post here.) Since Concepcion, lawyers and jurists have called into question the continuing viability of Gentry v. Superior Court – in which the California Supreme Court delineated a four-factor test for invalidating class arbitration waivers – as well as other cases subjecting employment arbitration agreements to special (employee-friendly) rules. Some courts have continued to apply Gentry while others have declared it dead, holding that “[a] rule like the one in Gentry – requiring courts to determine whether to impose class arbitration on parties who contractually rejected it – cannot be considered consistent with [Concepcion’s] objective of enforcing arbitration agreements according to their terms.” See, e.g., Iskanian v. CLS Transp. Los Angeles, LLC, 206 Cal. App. 4th 949 (2012).
In its recent decision in Truly Nolen of America v. Superior Court, the California Court of Appeal gave a nod to Iskanian and other cases invalidating Gentry, but ultimately held that in the absence of an express or implied agreement among the parties regarding class arbitration, ordering the arbitration of non-waivable employment claims on a classwide basis was “questionable” though not erroneous, since this is a narrow issue on which the California Supreme Court has not yet opined. The plaintiffs, who worked as pest control technicians for Truly Nolen of America (“Truly Nolen”), alleged on behalf of themselves and other current and former employees that they had been misclassified as exempt from California’s stringent overtime pay requirements. Truly Nolen moved to compel arbitration of the plaintiffs’ claims based on an arbitration agreement between the parties which was silent on the issue of whether class claims would be arbitrated on an individual or classwide basis. The trial court, relying on Gentry, ordered classwide arbitration, over Truly Nolen’s objections.
California Court Approves Class Action Waivers In Employment Arbitration Agreements
The plaintiff in Iskanian v. CLS Transp. Los Angeles, LLC, brought a putative class action and a representative action under California’s Private Attorney General Act (PAGA) for various wage and hour violations. During his employment, Iskanian agreed that he would not assert class action or representative action claims against his employer and, instead, agreed to submit any legal claims he had to binding arbitration.
The California Court of Appeal for the Second District held that the employee was bound by his agreement. Relying on the United States Supreme Court’s 2011 decision in AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, the Court held that the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) preempts any state law prohibiting class action waivers in arbitration agreements. The Court also found that Concepcion overruled Gentry v. Superior Court – a California Supreme Court decision which held that class action waivers in arbitration agreements are unenforceable if class arbitration would be more efficient than individual litigation. Rejecting this notion, the Court stated, “a rule like Gentry – requiring Courts to determine whether to impose class arbitration on parties who contractually rejected it – cannot be considered consistent with the objective of enforcing arbitration agreements according to their terms.”