Avidor v. Sutter’s Place, Inc., 212 Cal. App. 4th 1439 (2013)

Haim Avidor is the lead plaintiff in this putative class of current and former card dealers employed by Sutter’s Place, a cardroom/casino located in San Jose (“Bay 101”). Bay 101 required its dealers to contribute a set amount of the gratuities they received from players to a common account, which was distributed to other

Garcia v. Four Points Sheraton LAX, 188 Cal. App. 4th 364 (2010)

In 2006, the City of Los Angeles enacted the Hotel Service Charge Reform Ordinance, which required non-unionized hotels in the Century Boulevard Corridor near LAX to pass along mandatory service charges to the workers who rendered the services for which the charges were collected. (The service workers alleged their income had declined