Kaiser Found. Hospitals v. Wilson, 201 Cal. App. 4th 550 (2011)
The trial court considered hearsay evidence in issuing injunctions under Cal. Code Civ. Proc. § 527.8, prohibiting Jeff Wilson (the husband of a terminated Kaiser employee) from committing acts of violence or making threats of violence against two Kaiser employees. The trial court considered hearsay evidence that Wilson had threatened to “put [the
Trial Court Should Have Considered Evidence Of Supervisor’s Retaliatory Motive
By Tony Oncidi on
Colarossi v. Coty US Inc., 97 Cal. App. 4th 1142 (2002)
In this case of alleged wrongful termination in violation of public policy, Kimberly Colarossi alleged that her employment was terminated after she participated as a witness in an investigation of sexual harassment by a manager at the company (Deborah Bassett). The trial court excluded as hearsay evidence that a co-employee had told another…