We invite you to review our newly-posted March 2024 California Employment Law Notes, a comprehensive review of the latest and most significant developments in California employment law. The highlights include:

Whistleblower Protection Laws Do Not Apply Outside the United States
Daramola v. Oracle Am., Inc., 92 F.4th 833 (9th Cir. 2024)
Tayo Daramola is a Canadian citizen who resided in Montreal at all relevant times and who worked for Oracle Canada, a wholly owned subsidiary of Oracle Corporation (a California‑based company). Daramola’s employment agreement stated that it was governed by Canadian law. During his employment, Daramola, who worked remotely, conducted business and collaborated with…
January 2024 California Employment Law Notes
We invite you to review our newly-posted January 2024 California Employment Law Notes, a comprehensive review of the latest and most significant developments in California employment law. The highlights include:
Trial Court Gave Erroneous Jury Instructions In Whistleblower Case
Garrabrants v. Erhart, 2023 WL 9016436 (Cal. Ct. App. 2023)
Charles Matthew Erhart was an internal auditor for a financial institution who “blew the whistle” on the employer concerning the actions of the bank’s CEO, Gregory Garrabrants. While Erhart’s whistleblower case was pending in federal court, Garrabrants sued Erhart in state court for copying, retaining and transmitting to multiple regulatory authorities documents Erhart believed…

Duck and Cover! Two New “Nuclear Verdicts” Put California Employers On Alert
The Los Angeles Superior Court has bestowed some remarkable gifts upon plaintiffs this holiday season. Two juries have issued gigantic verdicts in favor of individual plaintiffs in separate employment lawsuits within the past month.
On November 16, 2023, in Sosa v. Comerica Bank, a jury delivered a verdict of $14.17 million consisting of $1.17 million in lost earnings (past and future) and $13 million in emotional…
Court Affirms $7.1 Million Whistleblower Verdict
Zirpel v. Alki David Prods., Inc., 93 Cal. App. 5th 563 (2023)
Karl Zirpel worked as the vice president of operations for Alki David Productions (“ADP”) before the principal of ADP, Alki David, fired him for allegedly disclosing information that Zirpel reasonably believed evidenced a violation of safety standards and for disclosing information about ADP’s working conditions. The jury returned a special verdict…
September 2023 California Employment Law Notes
We invite you to review our newly-posted September 2023 California Employment Law Notes, a comprehensive review of the latest and most significant developments in California employment law. The highlights include:
Employers Owe No Duty Of Care To Prevent The Spread Of COVID To Employees’ Household Members
School District Employer Did Not Violate The Law By Requiring COVID Vaccination/Weekly Testing
Employer Must Prove “Substantial Increased
November 2022 California Employment Law Notes
We invite you to review our newly-posted November 2022 California Employment Law Notes, a comprehensive review of the latest and most significant developments in California employment law. The highlights include:
- Equal Pay Act Claim Should Not Have Been Dismissed
- Whistleblower Claim Should Not Have Been Dismissed In Part
- School District Employee May Have Been Discriminated Against On The Basis Of A Disability
- Offer To
Whistleblower Claim Should Not Have Been Dismissed In Part
Killgore v. SpecPro Prof’l Servs., LLC, 51 F.4th 973 (9th Cir. 2022)
While consulting for an environmental project for the United States Army Reserve Command, Aaron Killgore believed he was being required to prepare an environmental assessment in a manner that violated federal law. Killgore was fired shortly after he reported the suspected illegality to his supervisor and the Army Reserve’s project leader Chief…
October 2022 California Employment Law Notes
We invite you to review our newly-posted October 2022 California Employment Law Notes, a comprehensive review of the latest and most significant developments in California employment law. The highlights include:
- Hollywood Producer Is Not Liable For Drowning Death Of Executive Assistant
- Employer May Not Inquire Into Former Employee’s Immigration Status
- Workers’ Comp Determination Does Not Govern Outcome Of Discrimination Case
- Workplace Violence Restraining Order