Mora v. Hollywood Bed & Spring, 164 Cal. App. 4th 1061 (2008)

Salvador Mora sued his former employer and its president after his arm was crushed in a power press machine. Mora alleged the machine lacked an adequate guard to protect against injury and, therefore, pursuant to Cal. Lab. Code § 4558, he was not limited to a remedy provided under the Workers’ Compensation

Caso v. Nimrod Productions, Inc., 163 Cal App. 4th 881 (2008)

Christopher Caso, a professional stuntman, suffered severe head injuries while performing a stunt during the production of a television show. Caso and his wife (who sought damages for loss of consortium) sued defendants (the director and the stunt coordinators and their respective loan-out corporations) for negligence. The trial court granted defendants’ motion for

Vaught v. State, 157 Cal. App. 4th 1538 (2007)

Marck Vaught was employed as a resource ranger for the State. His position required him to be on call “all the time.” As an inducement to accept the position, the State offered Vaught and his wife the use of a residence located in the district in which Vaught worked. Vaught subsequently slipped and fell in